Dixit – Brilliant Association Game

What Is Dixit?
Dixit is an award-winning brilliant association game.
The main idea in the game is to guess the associations of the competitors.
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Dixit – The Tools:
The Dixit game contains: a game board, 84 picture cards, 36 ballots, 6 rabbits.
Dixit – Game Preparation:
Each player get six picture cards.
Each player selects a rabbit and takes the ballots that match the color of the rabbit.
Place the rabbits at the beginning of the track on the board.
How To Play?
In each round the group is divided into two:
1. The storyteller.
2. The competitors.
The storyteller of the story should choose one card from the cards in his possession and tell a hint about the association that arose for him regarding the card he chose.
The story can be a sentence, a word, a voice, a passage from a song or even a face.
Each contestant chooses one card that he thinks (according to his associations) best suits the story told by the storyteller.
Shuffle the cards when they are upside down and open them in a row where the leftmost card is card number one and the card next to it is card number two and so on.
Each of the contestants (the storyteller is not participating at this stage) should choose the picture card that he thinks belongs to the storyteller. The selection of the picture card is made using the voting card with the voting card face down.
When all the contestants have made their choice, open the ballot and find out who guessed right and who did not.
Participants receive a score based on their degree of success in that round.
Game Instructions:
We have included for you the full instructions of the game:

How Is The Score Calculated?
A. If all the contestants chose the card of the story number then the story number does not get a score at all and all the other participants get 2 points.
B. If no one was able to guess the card of the story number then the story number does not get a score at all and all the other participants get 2 points.
If sections A and B are not met, the score will be calculated as follows:
C. Whoever correctly guesses the card of the story number gets 3 points. In other words, if I guessed that the story number card is card number 2 (for example) and I was right, I get 3 points.
D. Whoever correctly guesses the card of the story number then the participant who puts the card gets one point. In other words, if I put a certain card and someone “fell into the trap” and thought my card belonged to the story number (and of course he was wrong) then I would get one point.
Tip: The goal of the storyteller is that some participants will be able to guess the card and some will not. In other words, the goal of the storyteller is not to give a hint too easy (because then everyone will guess your card) and not a hint too hard (because then no one will guess your card).
Why Dixit And Not Another Game?
The Dixit game is very, very successful and won a lot of prizes. Among the prizes: the Golden Ace, the game of the year in France, Germany, Spain and Finland and more (Diskit – full list of prizes, Wikipedia)
The Dixit game is very successful and even garnered a host of awards. Among the prizes: the Golden Ace, the game of the year in France, Germany, Spain and Finland and more (Dixit – full list of prizes, Wikipedia).
The Dixit game is a multiplayer game, suitable for the whole family.
The game requires the children to exercise their imagination.
Develops the child’s expressiveness.
Bravo to the Leibland company who managed to invent a game that the whole family also enjoys and also develops the child in the ability to express and develop the imagination.
We highly recommend the Dixit game with warmth and love.
Take it with you to Friday dinner at parents, uncles or grandparents. Right after dinner, open the game, play, have fun and make the Friday night experience a better and more family experience.
Usually when we play with the kids in some board game, we very quickly find ourselves getting bored of the game and already wanting to finish. One of the salient advantages of the Dixit game is that everyone enjoys it, both children and adults. So you can play for hours all together and create a good experience for children.
There are two versions of the game: a game for up to six players and a game for up to 12 players.
You can also buy additional picture card sets separately (extension).
Suitable for ages 6+